Basic share information

Basic share information

United Bankers Plc’s shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Main market. 


  • ISIN code: FI4000081427

  • Ticker symbol: UNITED

  • LEI code: 743700J2WO3J6XGFPG77

The company’s share capital is EUR 5,464,225.47. The company has a total of 10,963,043 fully paid shares issued under Finnish law. The company’s shares do not have a nominal value and the Articles of Association do not provide for a maximum or minimum number of shares or share capital. The company has not issued stock options or other securities convertible into or exchangeable for equity shares issued. The company holds 20,448 treasury shares (9.10.2024).


According to the Articles of Association of United Bankers Plc, the company's shares belong to the book-entry system. Each share in the company entitles its holder to one vote in the Annual General Meeting. When distributing funds of company, the rights of all shares are equal.


United Bankers’ shares were entered in the book-entry system on 31 March 2014. The shares are held in the book-entry system on behalf of designated account holders, which includes nominee registered holders. The book-entry system is maintained by Euroclear Finland.


The shares are freely transferable, and United Bankers’ Articles of Association do not contain conditions limiting their transferability. United Bankers’ shareholder register is maintained by and the list of owners is available at Euroclear Finland Ltd, Urho Kekkosen katu 5 C, 8th floor, Helsinki.